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A new B12 user would need how much?

Hello. Thought I'll drop a message see what is most recommended for me. I'm not diagnosed or am I currently injecting any b12, I'm just curious to see if it's right for me or not?

I'm 27 year old single dad of one and I have for the past few months been feeling so low and just lifeless! I've been trying these B12 tablets and upping my organic nutritional plan but I'm just not having the increase I feel I need in me to recharge. A friend actually mentioned to me about jumping on a chat room and see what people think .. is injections for me then I guess or am I doing it wrong?



I'll kick this off for you, have you thought of contacting you doctor? Could be your best bet if your symptoms are as low as you say even with the mentioned supplementation plan.

Martin, make a call, will be best bet 🙂

Quote from Martin London on April 14, 2024, 10:36 pm

Hello. Thought I'll drop a message see what is most recommended for me. I'm not diagnosed or am I currently injecting any b12, I'm just curious to see if it's right for me or not?

I'm 27 year old single dad of one and I have for the past few months been feeling so low and just lifeless! I've been trying these B12 tablets and upping my organic nutritional plan but I'm just not having the increase I feel I need in me to recharge. A friend actually mentioned to me about jumping on a chat room and see what people think .. is injections for me then I guess or am I doing it wrong?



Hello Martin.

It sounds like you're going through a challenging time, and it's commendable that you're seeking advice. B12 can indeed play a significant role in boosting energy levels and improving overall well-being. Considering your situation, injections might offer a more immediate solution compared to tablets, especially if you're feeling particularly drained and need a quick recharge. However, it's crucial to approach supplementation holistically and address any potential underlying issues contributing to your low energy levels.

Have you considered discussing your symptoms with a healthcare professional to explore all possible options?

I can relate to this and I gave myself a b12 injection and was amazing.  Try it? it's a great boost 😉

I just want to add my two pence to this. 

I've been working with the NSH for over 10 years and I must say, there is more and more people now using b12 injections for their overall health as it has so many benefits. 

Regarding Martin's question,  I would recommend upping your intake on the tablets before trying these injections. If for whatever reason they don't seem to be working then give a B12 shot a go, will definitely increase your levels back to normal. 
